
USA vs IRAN… My Travel Perspective

A lot is going on at the global front right now and it is difficult for anyone to predict accurately where this will end. There have been many speculations from several travelers about visiting the USA or IRAN as the case may be and how these events can affect t visa decisions. Based on the quick analysis of the recent happenings; President Trump ordered a drone strike that killed Gen. Soleimani(an Iranian general) who has been labeled as a terrorist by the USA and accused of planning attacks on United States citizens and facilities. This single step has caused an uproar in Iran and the citizens are seeking revenge. The United States government in preparation for war has been sending more troops to the Middle East. The present situation is that the whole world is on red alert for a possible war which we pray will not happen. So how does this affect you? ü   BORDER CONTROL; In the event of any threat nations usually respond by beefing up securities at their bord


So I was on my way home from rehearsals when @cheftemitope called me and said 'babe food is ready'.... That news was the best I have heard since morning. Immediatly every bone in my body started shaking as if I have never eaten before. All my body started to crave this food. Could it be Amala or Semo..well it doesn't matter at this point. ....Fiam I got home with the speed of light ready to fire down then the food arrived. Oh my world I never expected it..and as you can also see and said ' babe come eat'. What a great joy to have a great wife. Thanks dearie. The first bite took me to jupitar, the second to Saturn.... @Cheftemitope so what is this food called? she say na new recipee and she called it SPAGHETTI ROMA served with fresh fruits. O lagbara. Guys don't carry this over she holla at @cheftemitope and she will do home delivery for you. #Foodprofiling #erasingborders#foodie #africanchef
THE NEXT DESTINATION Waiting at the lobby of the UAE Application Center in Abuja where I was quietly seated, it dawned on me that I have simply spent four hours of my life waiting. You could easily hear chatting and mumblings just like it was a bar. During such waits, alliances are formed and different stories being shared. Then it struck me like a bullet from an AK47, ‘the quality of intellect and youthful energy being exported out of Nigeria’. With the air condition blowing low temperature at high-speed and seats arranged for about 140 people; the UAE application center management has put in their best to make their ‘customers’ comfortable. Yes, I said customers because migration process is big business. On this faithful day I can estimate we were not less than 200 seated in the hall as people were standing and several were still waiting outside to come in. Each applicant would have committed a minimum of 18,000 naira to the U.A.E Government with some paying as high


The travel and Earn is an empowerment scheme that provides an alternative source of income, and offer all expenses paid vacations. It helps you build travel experience and ultimately fulfill your travel dreams.  It functions based on binary referral system on a multilevel marketing plan. Considering the present economic situation of the world there is a need to strategically design a product that offers human capital development, financial empowerment and intellectual capacity development through travel experiences and that is Travel and Earn (T&E). HOW IT WORKS ·        T&E is dedicated to building human capital through financial empowerment and intellectual capacity development. ·       T & E offers five levels of success to subscribers and these levels are easily attainable with great benefits attached to each level. ·        T&E offers subscribers with an option of travel or cash benefit. ·     T & E offers easy access to commissions and ea

The 7 Richest Countries In The World..

See The 7 Richest Countries In The World.. THE LIST WILL SHOCK YOU! Exchange rates alone can not be used to determine how rich a country is. The cost of living, standard of living, inflation rates and other figures include saving such as national wealth (not just income) and populations are additional indices of determining the wealth of a nation. The most commonly accepted method of determining the wealth of countries and comparing generalized differences in living standards on a whole between nations is to use GDP per capita on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis in current international dollars. If only GDP is used, those factors were surely not taken into consideration. In a lay man understanding, it means a country where you can enjoy highest standard of living per person. Some country have very less GDP in-spite of large population, on the other hand some have high GDP in spite of the small population. Which country is the richest in the world? 1. Qatar – Richest


THE RUSH THE FALL              OLUMIRIN THE GREAT WATER FALL TOURIST GARDEN About 40km off the Ife -Akure highway lies Erin-oke. A region characterized with high mountains and green vegetations, and deep within these mountains lays the source of the great Olumirin water fall. A Waterfall famous for its seven levels, and also serves as a source of livelihood to the small community of people known as the Erin-ijesha tribe. My jaw couldn’t summon enough courage to close as I was bamboozled by the beauty of nature expressed in the beautiful green color of the vegetative mountainous landscape. In the heart of this wonder lies the adorable Olumirin water fall. About 300 meters away we could hear the unique sound of rushing water and also human voices filled with laughter and excitement. Our arrival was heralded by sound of traditional drums and cultural music sang in local dialect by two old men whose vocal ha