
Showing posts from January, 2020

USA vs IRAN… My Travel Perspective

A lot is going on at the global front right now and it is difficult for anyone to predict accurately where this will end. There have been many speculations from several travelers about visiting the USA or IRAN as the case may be and how these events can affect t visa decisions. Based on the quick analysis of the recent happenings; President Trump ordered a drone strike that killed Gen. Soleimani(an Iranian general) who has been labeled as a terrorist by the USA and accused of planning attacks on United States citizens and facilities. This single step has caused an uproar in Iran and the citizens are seeking revenge. The United States government in preparation for war has been sending more troops to the Middle East. The present situation is that the whole world is on red alert for a possible war which we pray will not happen. So how does this affect you? ü   BORDER CONTROL; In the event of any threat nations usually respond by beefing up securities at their bord